A rambling mind

I am planning to use this page as a kind of "sandbox" area where I can test out ideas and/or just simply place useless tidbits of information or momentary thoughts (which most likely will turn out to make up most of afore mentioned tidbits).

Should the esteemed visitors of this page feel in any way offended or harassed by my misplaced utterances, they may rest assured of my deepest and sincerest apologies and should feel , most politely but no less insistantly, invited to GO SURF ELSEWHERE!

As of yet, no comments worthy of the name have been able to attract enough of my attention for enough time to cause a hassle. This in turn means that I have not been subjected to enough "activation energy" (i.e. a cick in the butt, a nag in the background, sth. on my mind that urgently needs to get out, stern criticism from my peers, etc.) and thus am unable to overcome the momentary energy trough I find myself in (i.e. couch potato) to add anything to this page apart from this comment.
